Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Roman Government

The Roman Government Latin Investigation By Abhishek Gambhir January 2013 The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 1. Table of Contents 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction The Leaders Political Groups Monarchy to Republic Conclusion Bibliography Curia Julia The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 2. Introduction I have chosen the government for my latin investigation for many reasons. The first and formost reason is that I am very interested in modern politics and how the government works and I thought it would be interesting if I resarched how the romans ruled and governed their country.On the front cover you will see an ancient coin with the letters SPQR on it. This would have stood for â€Å"Senatus Populusque Romanus† Which literarly translated as â€Å"The Senate and People of Rome. † These four letters were one of the most important symbols in roman life it was used as an official emblem of the modern day town of Rome. It appears on coins, at the en d of important documents ,gravestones and was branded on the arms of the men in the Roman legions. SPQR on a Gravestone SPQR on a the base of a statue of Julius CaeserIn the Table of Contents I hve incuded remains of the Roman senate houses. The one on the left is Curia Julia which was the third senate house to be named. It’s construction began in 44 BC by order of Julius Caeser but was interupted by his unfortunate assassination and was completed by Caesar’s successor Augustus in 29 BC. The Curia Julia is one of the only Roman structures to still be standing today. Throughout the Investigation I will look at different points abot what made the Roman government tick, compare it with modern times and give a personal response.So lets begin with†¦. The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 3. The Emperor The Leaders The emperor was the general learder of Rome and was responsible for the city. I will be using Emperor Augustus as an example. The reign of augus tus started on 16th January 27 BC. This marked the start of a new era known as the Pax Romana (The Roman Peace). By conquering Egypt, Dalmatia, Pannonia, Noricum, and Raetia, Augustus dramatically expanded the Roman emprie. Beyond the frontiers, he made peace with the Parthian Empire.He reformed the Roman system of taxing, developed networks of roads with an official courier system, established a standing army, established the Praetorian Guard(a force of bodyguards for the emperor), created official police and fire-fighting services for Rome, and rebuilt much of the city during his reign. Augustus died in 14 AD at the age of 75. He may have died from natural causes, although there were rumors that his wife Livia poisoned him. He was succeeded as Emperor by his adopted son Tiberius who can be seen at his feet in the statue.The Prime Minister Statue of Emperor Augustus As a comparison I will be talking about the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister, unlike the Roman emperor is bound to â€Å"cabinet responsibility† (making joint decisions). In Latin Prime Minister is â€Å"Primus inter pares† which means â€Å"first among equals. But something the Prime minister and the emperor do have in common is the secutrity. Only other politicians and close friends and family are allowed on downing street. Response The way the Leader operates in there two civilisations is very different.Personally I think that our way of handling things is a bit better because in todays day and age, without the proper security assassination would be common and countries would be thrown into chaos. The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 4. Political Groups The Roman Senate The Roman Senate was a political organisation in ancient Rome. The word senate derives from the Latin word senex, which means â€Å"old man†. Therefore the word means â€Å"assembly of elders†. The senate was one of the most enduring establishments in Roman history.The Senate was foun ded 500 BC. The senate was mainly composed of very wealthy people who were called the aristocrates. Only a small number of roman people could become a senetor but once someone had become a senetor the could attend the senate until death. By the middle Republic, the Senate reached the pinnacle of its power. As you can see in the ancient painting everyone is wearing a white robe which symbolises power. The late Republic saw a rise in the Senate's power, being led by Tiberius and Gaius Gracchi.British Political Parties As a comparison I will be looking at British political parties. A general election in Britian takes place every 4-5 years but in the Senate, senetors could stay until death once they were appointed. Also in Britian there are multiple political parties to give different viewpoints but in ancient Rome there was only the Senate. Response The way these political groups operate in thier respective civilisation is very different. Our system is democratic whereas the roman syst em is based on wealth and tradition.The Romans have a single party system and whilst this avoids some time being wasted it can make decisions very one sided. The British have a multi party sysetm and this gives more than one opinion on issues and lets the people side with who they want. I think Our system is better because It is less biased than the Romans way. The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 5. Monarchy to Republic The Roman Republic The Roman Republic (Res-publica Romanorum) was the period of the ancient Roman civilization when the government operated as a republic.It started with the overthrow of the Roman monarchy which happened around 509 BC, and its replacement was government headed by two consuls, elected every year by the citizens and advised by the senate. A regular system, gradually developed over time. The leaders of the Republic developed a strong tradition and morality requiring public service and support in peace and war, making military and politica l success linked. despite the Republic's struggle against any persons gain of permanent political powers, Roman politics was dominated by a small number of Roman leaders, their uneasy alliances punctuated by a series of civil wars.This eventually led to the republics demise. The Roman Republic was never restored, but neither was it abolished, so the exact date of the transition to the Roman Empire is unknown. Historians have proposed the appointment of Julius Caesar as perpetual dictator in 44 BC, the defeat of Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC and the Roman Senate's grant of extraordinary powers to under the first settlement as the defining event ending the Republic. Britains SwitchAs a comparison I will talk about when Britain moved from Monarchy to the system we are all familiar with today. In 1689,William III (and his wife Mary II) finally brought stability and the Bill of Rights was passed. This required all laws to be approved by Parliament, and for Parliament to be independant of the monarchy. By the time of Queen Victoria, the monarchy was no longer involved in politics, which became dominated by the Prime Minister. A series of Reform Acts from 1832 to 1928 would change the voting age to18. ResponseI think that the Republic system is alot bertter thant the moncrchy and that both civilisations were right in switching. It was just the bad times that the Roman republic did not last but in the modern day we all have a system that we are happy with. The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 6. Conclusion In conclusion the Roman government was a very well working and very well organised system for the time when it existed. There are alot of ideas that we could take from the Roman system that could help make our one better.The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com Bibliography The Government of the Roman Empire Barbara Levick (Author) The Digest of Roman Law: Theft, Rapine, Damage and Insult Justinian (Author), C. Kolbert (Transla tor) Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire Simon Baker (Author) The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon (Author) The Roman Government of Britain Anthony R. Birley http://jaysromanhistory. com/rome web/govt/early_govt. htm (Website) The High School of Glagow [email  protected] com 6.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Lesson Plan for P.E. Essay

This is a great activity that my kids loved after a solid review of what is in a First Aid Kit. Once your students have been introduced to these contents and understand their uses, have them apply their knowledge to real life situations with this activity. 1. Have students break into groups of 3-5. 2. I assigned students roles in their groups. (Time Keeper, Writer, Speaker, etc.) They all need to help discuss however. 2. Each group will receive an index card with a scenario on it. 3. Based on the scenario, students must decide which item(s) from their First Aid Kit they would use. They should write down the items they could use on the back of the note card. I have a spelling list on the board for younger grades. If supplies allow it, give each group a first aid kit so that they may simply grab the item for their scenario. Example of a Scenario: One of your friends cuts their leg and it begins to bleed. You need to help them clean the wound. What do you need to use from the First Aid Kit? Answer: Rubber Gloves, Cleansing Pads, Gauze, Antibacterial Ointment, etc. 4. Have each group go through their list and discuss with the class why it’s important to have each certain item. How does it help both the helper and whoever is injured? Make sure that you stress the importance to always find an adult first before performing first aid. Assessment Ideas: Perform assessment and evaluation throughout the entire lesson by having the students interact with thoughtful discussion based lecture and apply what they have learned by putting the index cards into the correct spots and answering why it’s important to know first aid safety. Tuesday Name of Activity: Counting on Groceries | Purpose of Activity: The purpose of the activity is for the students to comprehend concepts related to health promotion by moving in the gymnasium and learning about healthy food choices as well as doing a little basic math. Prerequisites: Counting to 6. Have some basic ideas of what good foods look like. Student will demonstrate healthy practice and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health. Suggested Grade Level: 2 Materials Needed: Enough foam dice so that each child has one Lots of plastic foods Two reusable shopping bags 4 green baskets (depending on how much â€Å"go food† you have) 2 red baskets (depending on how much â€Å"whoa food† you have) Description of Idea Place on shopping bag with lots of food choices in it toward one end of the play space. Place the other shopping bag also with lots of food choices in it toward the other end of the play space. This allows for more movement and less traffic jams. Place the color baskets in the center of the play space. The green baskets represent the â€Å"Go Foods – healthy food choices† and the red baskets represent â€Å"Whoa Foods – foods we can only eat every once in a while†. Each child will get 1 die. They will take the die to a self-space and roll the die one time. After rolling the die they need to count the spots. Each spot represents a piece of food they can get at the grocery store (shopping bags). Once they collect the correct amount of food from the bag to match the roll of the die they bring the food back to the baskets. Once at the baskets they sort the food into the green basket for go foods and red basket for whoa foods. After sorting the foods they go ba ck to their die and roll again. They continue to do this until the shopping bags are empty and the food is all sorted. After all food is sorted bring the children back to the center of the play area. Have them sit in a circle so they can all see the baskets. As the children to identify the foods in the basket and evaluate to see if they placed the foods in the correct baskets. Assessment Ideas: I was able to assess if the students could count to six by watching their die roll and seeing how many pieces of food they took when going to the shopping bag. I was able to watch the children sort the food and see if they were sorting correctly for the food choices they had. As a group I was able to assess the overall outcome by how successful they were overall with the sorting activity. Adaptations for Students with Disabilities: Kids with mobility problems could have an adult bring a basket to them so they could sort easier. Kids with visual difficulties could have the food identified for them and then have them tell another child or adult what basket to place to the food in. Kids could work in pairs if a child has trouble counting the spots on the die. Wednesday Name of Activity: Learning the food guide pyramid | Purpose of Activity: The learner will apply knowledge and behavior self-management skills to areas of nutrition and physical activity for healthy growth, development, and maintenance. Prerequisites: The student will choose habits that prevent hearth disease. : Students should have knowledge of the five food groups, how much of each food group they should be getting every day, and what makes up a â€Å"serving† of food. 115.2 Health Edu. (b)(1) (A) Suggested Grade Level: 2 Materials needed: -white board, -white board markers. -Class set of food calendar worksheets, -multiple sets of pyramid go fish game, -deck of cards Description of Idea Focus: What is everyone’s favorite food? (Make a chart on the white board, placing student’s favorite foods under the category of the food pyramid in which it belongs) Explain which category the student’s favorite foods fall under, which category we should have the most of (grains) and which the least of (fats and oils)? Statement of Objectives: To learn about the food guide pyramid and what foods are best for our bodies! Teacher Input: Can anyone name all the categories of the food guide pyramid? (Grains, vegetables, fruits, milk/dairy, meats & beans, and fats/sugars) Tell your neighbor what your favorite food is and which category it fell under? Now how much of all the other categories, as well as the one your favorite food falls under, do you think you should be eating each day? Grains- 6 ounces Vegetables- 2  ½ ounces Fruits- 1 ½ cups Milk/dairy- 3 cups Meats & beans- 5 ounces Fats/sugars- know your limits Oils (although not a good group, they are needed in small amounts for good health) We eat these foods because they provide our bodies with the nutrients we need to do things. To run, walk, talk, think, smile, and GROW big and strong! All the categories of the food guide pyramid are like a puzzle, and if our body doesn’t have all the pieces, it isn’t complete! Guided Practice: Can we discuss as a class, what are some healthy choices that we could eat from each of these categories. Examples: Grains (pasta, bread, rice), Vegetables (lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, peppers), Fruits (bananas, strawberries, oranges, apples), Milk/dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese) Meats & beans (chicken, fish, lean beef, soybeans, dried beans). One important thing to know when deciding what you are going to eat for your each food guide pyramid portion size. We need six ounces of grains per day, and five ounces of meat/bean. What does this mean? Well three ounces can be described as the same width and size of a deck of cards (show example of a deck of cards). So remember that when eating. Now, let’s fill in this chart all together (the same food calendar worksheet passed out to class already) to help us think about what kinds of foods we would all eat throughout our meals to ensure we are eating all of the correct foods and serving amounts that the food guide pyramid tells us to. Who would like to raise their hand first, to tell me, what is a food we could eat with breakfast, which would help us reach our goal of meeting the food guide pyramid daily servings? Independent Practice: With three of your neighbors, take a few minutes to play â€Å"Pyramid Go Fish!† The dealer of your group shuffles the cards, then gives each player four cards, and puts the remaining cards in a stack in middle of everyone. Each player takes a turn asking another player if he/she has the pair to one of the four cards that they currently have in their hands. If two of the same cards are obtained, then the pair is laid down and counted as one point. When asking another player if he/she has a card and is answered â€Å"no, go fish† then the player who was denied must draw another card from the deck in the middle. If answered â€Å"Yes†, then the player is given the card, lays down his/her pair, and gets to ask again if a fellow player has a card he/she needs. Whoever ends up with the most pairs wins? Closure: Raise your hand to tell me a food that may not be your favorite, but you like a lot, that falls into the food guide pyramids’ categories. How much of this food do you usually eat when you have it? What are some fats/sugars that would be better to choose, rather than candy, ice cream and items like that? Make sure to go home tonight and talk to your family about what should be on your plate in order to have a well-balanced, healthy dinner tonight! Assessment Ideas: Psychomotor: The student will be able to play games related to the food guide pyramid. Cognitive: The student will be able to remember what the food guide pyramid categories are, what types of foods belong to each, how many servings pertain to each category, and why we should eat these foods. Affective: The student will be able to discuss good choices to eat from the food guide pyramid, determine how much of each pyramid category they should eat daily, and also be able to teach others about what they learned from the food guide pyramid. Thursday Name of Activity: Creating a First Aid Kit | Purpose of Activity: The student should know how to work in groups while making the first aid kit. They should also be able to list five items that should in a first aid kit and explain how they are used, as well as, go home and make a first aid kit. Prerequisites: Student should have had prior practice. The students should know the name of the items in the box and how to use all content in the box, also where it should be kept. And be skilled in common first aid procedures. 115.2 Health Edu (b) (1) (A) Suggested Grade Level: 2 Materials Needed: first-aid manual, sterile gauze, adhesive tape, adhesive bandages in several sizes, elastic bandage, antiseptic wipes, soap, antibiotic cream (triple-antibiotic ointment), antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide), hydrocortisone cream (1%), acetaminophen and ibuprofen, extra prescription medications (if the family is going on vacation), tweezers, sharp scissors, safety pins, disposable instant cold packs, calamine lotion, alcohol wipes or ethyl alcohol, thermometer, plastic gloves (at least 2 pairs), flashlight and extra batteries, mouthpiece for administering CPR (can be obtained from your local Red Cross), your list of emergency phone numbers blanket (stored nearby), Plastic box, construction paper cut to 3Ãâ€"5 in., markers, sandwich bags, take home handouts with the list of items for kit and how to make a kit, First aid assessment sheet, the in class worksheet for with blank spaces for students to fill in descriptions Description of Idea Statement of Objectives: Once we have finished creating our classroom first aid kit you will be able to go home and make your own first aid kit with your parents and identify all the parts that are found in the kit. Teacher Input: Ask students, â€Å"Have you ever seen a first aid kit?† ask them to raise their hand. â€Å"Where do you usually see first aid kits?† call on a few, give positive feedback. Tell the students that a first aid kit is a good thing to have anywhere. Give examples: in the car, at home, at the playground. Tell the children how you never know when you may have a emergency that will require immediate action. Put up a slide showing the standard list of items, with their descriptions, found in a kit. Point to each item say the name and have the class repeat the name. Guided Practice: After going through the list once give each student the handout that matches the slide telling them to follow along and take notes of the descriptions of use as you move down the list. Tell the classroom that this information was provided to them by the White Lake Fire Department. This time instead of pointing only to the slide use the items you have already sat on the desk that will go in your kit to show the students a visual of the item as you describe it while they take notes. After going over an item start passing it through the class giving each student an opportunity to look closely at each item. Once you reach the end have them fill in the last three spaces with things they think would be nice to have in a first aid kit. This can be something serious like glow sticks, matches or fun such as a coloring book or small stuffed animal. Independent Practice: Assign children into groups of no more than five. Give each group a sandwich bag and the construction paper squares. Tell the students to make their own first aid kit by writing the name of each item on the paper provided. Tell the groups to switch bags and empty the contents checking to make sure each piece is there. Before they check the new bags explain to the students the importance of going through the first aid kit every few months to make sure all the items are still there and that none of the items are out of date or damaged. Closure: Give positive feedback on what a wonderful job they have done so far. Go back to the table with all the items for the first aid kit and have each child come up and pick and item to go in the class box. Ask the student, â€Å"Can you tell everyone what this item is and what we would use this item for?† Let each child have a turn if possible. Pass out the First Aid Lesson assessment and have the children complete and hand in. After the box is complete encourage the children to go home and talk to their parents about making their own kit Friday Name of Activity: Nutrition Scooter Relay | Purpose of Activity: The students will be able to demonstrate safe scooter travel and will be able to correctly identify foods from the six food pyramid groups. Prerequisites: Students should have knowledge of the five food groups, how much of each food group they should be getting every day, and what makes up a â€Å"serving† of food. Suggested Grade Level: 2 Materials Needed: 1. four wheeled scooters (enough for half your class) 2. Pictures of foods from the six food groups (around 100-150 pictures) Description of Idea I like to use this relay as a culminating activity for learning about the six food groups. Divide the students into pairs and have them spread out along one side of the gym with one scooter per pair. Spread out pictures of food from the six food groups along the opposite side of the gym. I like to use food group pictures that I ordered from a Dairy Council catalog that allots free monies to teachers every year, but any assortment of pictures will work. It is also nice to tack up a picture of the food pyramid on the same side of the gym that you spread out the pictures for struggling students to use as a resource. Once the gym is set up, give the signal to begin. One student from each group must travel on the scooter down to the opposite end of the gym while the other student runs/skips/gallops/etc. beside his/her partner on the scooter. The partner on the scooter must travel on his/her bottom or knees. Once they have made it to the opposite side each group must pick six different foods pictures of food that fit into the six food group categories before returning. Partners can check with each other and the food pyramid poster to make sure they have all six before returning. They must go back the same way they came, with the same partner on the scooter and the same partner moving alongside the scooter. Once the first group has returned, begin counting down from 30 seconds, signaling to the other groups that they need to get back to the other side of the gym before time runs out with whatever pictures they have. Once everyone is back, they can take 30 seconds to show their items to another group to double check their choices. Once the 30 seconds are up, collect all the food from the students, have them switch places and go again! While they race down, replace the food you have collected so that they can use those pictures again for the following round. The kids LOVE this game, and it gives the students multiple opportunities to check their knowledge with other students while giving me many opportunities to walk around and assess student learning levels. Assessment Ideas: I have assessed student learning and comprehension levels in different ways for this game. Sometimes I use a check-sheet to mark that can correctly identify and place foods within the correct food groups, and sometimes (with the second graders) I use self-assessment charts where students can mark their own levels of understanding. Since this activity takes place at the end of my nutrition unit I usually already have a pretty good idea of who can and can’t identify foods and correctly place them within the six food groups, so this just gives me one more opportunity to check for understanding.

Gender and Sex Worksheet Essay

What is gender? What is sex in biological terms? Are gender and sex the same thing? Explain why or why not? Gender is your social configuration of male or female. In biological terms sex is your male or female parts and pyscial features. Sometimes gender and sex are not the same because there are so people that feel differently about who they are want to be so they have surgeries to change or alter their biological parts. How do gender and sex contribute to the concepts and constructions of masculinity and femininity? Gender and sex contribute to the concepts and constructions of masculinity and femininity because masculinity is the properties characteristic of the male sex, and feminity is the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women. Typical meaning traditionally speaking. Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity? Yes, I think that our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity. Knowledge is power and I feel a lot of people for whatever reason whether because of ignorance or stereotyping etc†¦. People define the concepts of gender and sex inaccurately. Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to our understanding of sexual orientation? Explain. Yes, I feel that for the last couple years this has been first a very sensitive topic and then and new and confusing topic as well. The lines seem to be blurring when it comes to what people want sometimes and how they feel. It use to be just male and female but now the 2 concepts are crossing cause a lot of people confusion because what they are for example males feeling feminine or females feeling more masculine.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Computer Science Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer Science Information System - Essay Example Solution: This system provides with user inputs to a large variety of questions to analyze their needs and future goals to get them the best they desire. Constant monitoring is a very important activity. Solution: They will be able to understand their system change requirements to cater better services to the members and win satisfaction and performance in the competitive market to give everyone the best service possible. Description: The primary system has the main process called the DSS system for fitness center. The users enquire the systems as for their requirements and get the answers relevant to their plans. The questions and answers are stored in a data store and the DSS system accesses it to retrieve the respective ones. The fitness experts do keep their info and the knowledge of the members with regard to their plans and performance. The databases include the 'general questions and answer', 'user info', 'fitness consultant info' and 'Company services list and eligibility criteria'. The main purpose of the DSS system to the management is to get the regular or periodic feedbacks about the system and also about the member's interests. It helps them in preparing an appropriate marketing strategy to bring in more customers and create a brand in the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Yemen and The Political System in Iran Assignment

Yemen and The Political System in Iran - Assignment Example Members of Iran’s analytical community pointed out the lack legal basis to justify the operation and termed it as a strategy by the Saudi and the United States to impose security conditions that would be in favor of the two states. However analysts further try to prove that the attack has a deeper basis, they link it to the issues of Western Asia, Syrian issue, and Iraq. The United Nations which is meant to be a neutral body has been criticized by Iranian parliamentary officials for allowing the attack to ensue. It is argued that Iran could be seeking regional supremacy in the Arabian Peninsula and should the operation succeed then its significance in the area will easily be challenged. Ortiz, E. Iran’s Qasem Soleimani is guiding Iraqi Forces in a fight against ISIS. After the failure of an offensive in South of Damascus, Soleimani went behind the scenes appearing nowhere in the public or media. This, however, has not affected his profile as a great military general and political analyst. ISIS the insurgent group moved into Tikrit in June of 2014 and have since been reigning terror in the area. Having had influence for over a decade, his entry and support against ISIS are considered heavily meaningful. The Iraq government is even considering turning down United States intervention with Soleimani’s entry into the war. Iran is known to be conducting nuclear activities which are clearly worrying the United States government and the United States intervention with the ISIS issue would make it easier for the two states to seal a deal. However, Qasem Soleimani’s involvement in the war has created quite a few setbacks to this possibility.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Do you agree more with the philosophies of Martin Luther King or Essay - 1

Do you agree more with the philosophies of Martin Luther King or Malcom X - Essay Example His father was murdered during the burning of his house, an action executed by the Klu Klux Klan. His family got split later when his mother was caught in a nervous breakdown. These unforgettable and traumatic experiences during the early years of his life left their mark on his life till late. Malcolm X’s motivation partly originates in his deep desire for revenge. Both leaders had good oratory skills and used hard-hitting and powerful speeches to convey, clarify, and spread their messages across the audience, though they differed in their styles of delivery of message and the underlying purposes. Early life experiences of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X played an important role in shaping their distinct responses to racism in America. While both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are identified as the towering icons of the modern culture of African Americans and have great influence on the black Americans today, comparison of both the leaders reveals that the attitude of Martin Luther King was more positive as compared to that of Malcolm X as Martin Luther King believed that the blacks can achieve equal status in America as whites by conducting peaceful arguments and demonstrations. The despair of Malcolm X about life showed in his pessimistic and fanatic belief that the blacks can never achieve equal status in America as whites because of the lack of moral conscience in the whites. Martin Luther King based his ideas upon an integrationalist philosophy that imparts a need and possibility for the blacks and whites to live together in an atmosphere of peace and harmony in Ameri ca; â€Å"Yet Kings nonviolent opposition to racism, militarism, and economic injustice had deeper roots and more radical implications than is commonly appreciated† (Jackson). On the other hand, the doctrines supported by Malcolm X were separatist and nationalist. For most of his life, Malcolm X held the

Friday, July 26, 2019

African history- railway strike in west French Africa Essay

African history- railway strike in west French Africa - Essay Example African nations have a dynamic history in the events of their colonial periods. Respective nations in Africa were under the rule of diverse colonialist nations. For instance, most of the West African nations were colonized by France. In most cases, the colonial regimes had predetermined capitalist interests. Therefore, they exploited Africans for cheap access of resources. West African was under the colonial regime of France. The colonial period in this region had significant historical events that defined the conflicting relationship amongst the French colonialists and the African natives. These significant events were documented by diverse scholars. Ousmane Sembene and Frederick Cooper were key writers that recorded the colonial events in West Africa. Sembene’s and Cooper’s literal productions have both similarities and differences. Similarities As denoted previously, the literal productions by Sembene and Cooper possess significant similarities. These documents are s imilar through their exploration of conflict and disharmonious interests of the French colonialists and the West Africa natives. Sembene produced his literal record of the colonial events in the form of a novel. He therefore inserts fictional characters and settings of the factual event in the colonial periods of West Africa. Through his text, Sembene explores the major conflict between the colonialists and the West African natives in diverse ways. Sembene defines the ramifications of a previous strike through the flashback of the character Naikoro1. She grieves in pain upon the consideration of her loss of her husband and the disappearance of her son. This flashback by old Naikoro portrays a heated conflict and antagonism that existed between the colonialists and the West African natives2. It is therefore evident that the native Africans had perceived the need for freedom long before the railway strike in 1947. They had premeditated the move of a strike in reference to the existent conflict with the interests of the French regime. In the event of the flashback, Naikoro becomes agitated by Bakayoko’s step-daughter. She had spoken French and Naikoro was irritated by this fact3. This tendency demonstrated by the character represented the resentment that native Africans had against the French regime. Cooper also demonstrated the conflict amongst the larger groups of West African natives and the French colonialists. Cooper produced an analysis of the events in colonial and post-colonial West Africa. His literal record of the events is factual and non-fictional. This article gives a comprehensive account and analysis of the events of the railway strike. It also factors in the eventualities of the railway strike in 1947. Cooper defines the strike as a result of the strong integration amongst the African communities4. The railway strike lasted for approximately five months and it was planned from the community level amongst the West African natives. This artic le therefore defines the West African communities as cohesive for the purpose of freedom attainment. Members of diverse communities reached a concrete agreement of paralyzing the railway operations. Therefore, this is an evident reflection of conflict and antagonism amongst the African natives and the French regime. The conflict is defined through the premeditation of West African communities to launch a railway strike in the quest for equality and freedom5. Sembene and Cooper present a growing trend of the rivalry between the French colonialists and the West African natives. They are in a conflict that tends to grow in the progression of time. This is a tendency that is described by both writers within their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The marketing plan for ABC Foods Pvt. Ltd Essay

The marketing plan for ABC Foods Pvt. Ltd - Essay Example In relation to the study the company which has been selected is ABC Foods Pvt. Ltd., a 10 years young US based food processing company which has been continuous supplying processed food to the major supermarkets and community based departmental stores and grocery shops in Unite States. The company was established and incorporated in 2001. The company has decided to make forward diversification into the Indian food market with the launch of a new category of product line i.e. â€Å"Ready-To-Eat† (RTE) food. This ready to eat food is very much popular in the developed countries and it has a saturated market in US. So the company has decided to make brand extension as well as diversification of business simultaneously. India has a very good potential market for ready to eat food and very few food companies are there who have this type of product differentiation in the market. Only the people of urban areas of the country have the food habit of processed food like ready to eat foo d and maximum family member in the urban areas are working people and they generally need a time consumed processing of the food for their breakfast and as well for making Tiffin for launch. These all are driving forces which influence the company to make the brand extension in a potential foreign country like India where the food habit of people is changing from home cooked food to ready to eat food. A SMAETER objectives need to follow for getting competitive advantage. Specific: The Company needs to reach in its break even in 2.5 year so that it can start brand extension i.e. it can invest some percentage of its profit in another brand or product diversification to expand the business in the form of higher market share. The company supply their products to supermarkets as well as the small and medium grocery shops in the in the community area for getting a final customer based apart from the third party retail clients. For this type of sales objectives, distributor acquisition and development is required who will be responsible for generating channel sales by supplying products to the small shops in semi urban or community based countryside areas. Measurable: Measurable objective is the result of quantitative analysis of pre-measured sales target for achieving the small steps in the away of break even. For growth measurement achieving sales growth of 5% over first five years is needed which will simultaneously expand the market beyond the targeted market. Achievable: A substantial market position is one of the important achievable marketing objectives. Exploitation of gap in demand for the product and efficient supply is major achievable objective. For this a effective distribution channel is needed so that product can reach in place where the other competitors didn’t think of ever and it will be beneficial for capturing the rural market which is a substantial part of Indian market and a possibility of available potential consumer may also there. And sometimes this presence of the product will influence their willingness to buy a new product. Realistic: A product sample testing from the final consumer is needed to understand the demand of the competitors’ existing customers and it will be clear that how much percentage of the total consumer of this category of product may shift to its brand. Like 30% of the potential consumer from the retail supermarket is needed for better confidence in the start up. Time bound and Extending: Initial time bound is one year and then if the strategies and the objectives

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Direct Marketing in International Markets Assignment - 1

Direct Marketing in International Markets - Assignment Example Here the basic characteristics of international direct marketing have also been discussed which include being flexible, meeting the customer needs, focused attention on greater convenience, also overall increased overall customer benefits (Krafft & Hesse, 2007). Also, the views of the marketing Guru Seth Gobin have also been included on the differences between mass marketing and direct marketing. Here a clear differentiation brings out one of the basic yet most important points, i.e. mass marketing is similar to a machine gun which reaches a number of customers, however the overall effectiveness is not certain until the end, while direct marketing are similar to hand guns which will result in a definite kill, i.e. conversion (Greenslade, 2009). The common aspect of the two methods is that both are equally tried and tested methods that companies adopt (Greenslade, 2009). The paper has also identified that the major issues in the consumer perspective is the lack of privacy and constant , annoying direct call marketing. Here it has also been found that several telecom companies have implemented the ‘Do not disturb’ list to allow customers from getting unwanted calls (Jobber, 2009). Apart from these several laws have also been developed to help customers overcome the issue. Introduction: Among the various different means of making contact with customer, direct marketing is one of the direct channels. This paper aims at discussing about direct marketing in an international sense. The paper will also discuss the characteristics of direct marketing and will include a detailed comparison of direct marketing and mass marketing approach (Kotler, Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets , 1999).

Theology of Redemption and the Christian Liberty Thesis Proposal

Theology of Redemption and the Christian Liberty - Thesis Proposal Example The paper tells that in the course of the storey of humanity, persons, regardless of time and place, have been plagued by three important concerns. The first concern is ‘where did I come from?’ while the second question is ‘what is happening now?’ and finally the third concern is ‘what will happen to me in the future?. In effect, in this continuum of questions, uncertainty marks each query. As such, humanity’s quest for answers to these issues, often gnat at their being, because most wants to remove the dread and anguish towards the unknown future as they have trekked the masked past and the uncertain present. In this regard, all types of religion try to assuage the trepidation and angst of the future by unveiling the future, â€Å"practically all religions have developed a way of looking into the future†. This knowledge they impart in order to help humanity take the path that will help them avoid grief and uncertainty. In this context, C hristianity bears witness to the truism that â€Å"God has spoken in the past to our ancestors through the prophets, in many different ways, although never completely; but in our times he has spoken definitively to us through his Son†. Through the Son, Christianity affirms the key truth of faith â€Å"Yes, God so love the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life†. In light of this, the research will be dealing with one of the most important aspect of Christian faith – Redemption in connection with Christian liberty. Background of the Study The contemporary period is marked by radical changes that continuously transform not only society, but also the way humanity perceived life, meaning, relationship and human nature (Ortega-Villasenor, 2004). The continued deconstruction of traditional values, norms, interpretations, meanings and beliefs should empower humanity to be freed from the limits of the insti tutions and structures permeating the world of man (Johnson 12). Some of these radical changes include globalization, rapid developments and advancements in science and technology and the increasing challenge of global environmental challenge. Globalization is the breaking of the barriers in trade among nations, paving for a freer movements of goods, services, people, capital and even values, traditions and way of life (Coatsworth 38). This is dynamic in view of the fact that it does not only affect the economic life and structures of the global society, but its influence pervades almost all facets of human encounters in the modern period, thus, making globalization one of the most powerful vector of change in the modern period (Suarez-Orozco and Qin-Hilliard 25). In the same manner, rapid advancements and developments in science and technology re-structure the arena where people encounter, interact and undertake actions. In this regard, the contemporary human condition is character ised by the interconnection and continued interrelation between the human-social dimension and information- computer technological advancements. Thus, existing socio-technological systems are the venue for â€Å"the interaction between society’s complex infrastructures and human behaviour. Within this concept, society itself and most of its substructures are complex socio-technical systems† (Stranks, 100). Meanwhile, biomedical innovations have created the condition wherein extension of human life span has been achieved as medicine has become capable of curing and preventing number of diseases (Ehni and Marckmann 985). This has created the attribute known as super-mediatic world. This means that the world is right on the tip of our fingers. One push of buttons, things are done, connections are made and communications are relayed. Finally, the environmental concerns that plague the period refer not only to the depletion of earth’s natural resources and the piling up of by-products or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Concept of National Security in Understanding Contemporary Term Paper

The Concept of National Security in Understanding Contemporary Conflicts - Term Paper Example The first step would be to discard the notion related to the nature of the future wars and international conflicts which are in real sense unrealistic. This kind of future has been believed to have gained some significant acceptance in the past. The quick and easy victory of the US Marine over Iraq in the 1990's gulf war, for instance, is seen to have to lead to military affairs revolution as a result of the competitive advantage to the US if these advancements are something to go by. There has been a general belief that there is no likely hood of having a major rival competitor of the United States military warfare in the near future. This has resulted in several other countries having the promise of cheap and fast victory as far as military concepts are concerned. This notion subsequently has led to a reduction of the dependency of the military might that has led further to the transformation of the department of defense. These transformations of the defense department need consideration of the military's experience in past conflicts. In the case of the States, its military experience has been characterized by protracted by the counterinsurgency which is coupled with the countries building. The efforts would call for further reforms in the sector of security of the countries citizens, economic development as well as reconstruction and creation of government capacity building which goes hand in hand with the rule of law creation. Regarding the experiences gained, one needs to have enough experience as well as awareness for the need of abandoning the transformation of the department of defense orthodoxy and subsequently go for the most essential changes which are required in the development and restructuring of the defense to enable sufficient defense for the entire country (McMaster, 2009).     Ã‚   The military's development and advancement would be achieved through the approach employed by the authorities in employing the forces to protect the nation's interests. Prior to any major attack, the defense has been put under much scrutiny regarding their abilities to handle the conflict or the contemporary issue.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How polygenic traits produce the appearance of blending inheritance Essay Example for Free

How polygenic traits produce the appearance of blending inheritance Essay Several studies have been carried out particularly on polygenic traits that have different alternate forms for example, white flower color vs. purple flower color. However many traits are more multifaceted than this and can take on any number of incessant values. For instance in humans there are not just two groups of people i.e. tall vs. short- but a full range of possible heights. To add on, many traits are not controlled by a single pair of gene but by numerous genes that interact with each other and also with the environment. The study done on  traits controlled by multiple genes and also by the environment is referred to as quantitative genetics.   This is regarded as one of the complex area of genetics but a little understanding of quantitative genetics is necessary for evolution since evolution usually acts on complex traits which are influenced both by genetics and by the surroundings/environment. Polygenic and appearance of blending inheritance. One of the main challenges in genetics during the early years of the 20th century concerned the following question: If Mendels thoughts were right then how can one clarify the inheritance of quantitative traits? Statistical research reveals that for quantitative traits the offspring of a cross breed tend to be intermediate in looks between the two parents. For example if one parent is short and the other tall, the offspring tends to be intermediate in height.   This means, the offspring in a cross tend to be a mixture of both parents. This presents a challenge for evolution, since for evolution to occur by natural selection needs the presence of genetically based disparity in the value of a quantitative trait. However if an offspring lean towards the average value of the trait for the two parents then, the required variation for evolution to occur would be lost. The inheritance of quantitative traits is characteristically viewed in terms of what is referred to as polygenic inherita nce. The Assumptions of the Polygenic Model: This polygenic model makes the following six simplifying assumptions: Every contributing gene has relatively equal and small effects, the effects of every allele are additive, there are no dominance; instead the genes at every locus behave as if they pursue an incomplete dominance, there is no interaction or epistasis among the different loci that contribute to the value of the trait, there is no connection involved and, the value of the trait relies only on genetics environmental influences can be overlooked . Example of Polygenic inheritance: The core color in wheat is decided by two pairs of gene, known as polygenes which produce a variety of colors ranging from white to dark red depending on the mixtures of alleles. Dark red plants are known as homozygous  AABB and white plants are referred to as homozygous aabb.   If these homozygotes are mixed/ crossed the F1 offspring are all dual heterozygotes AaBb.   Therefore crossing individuals with the phenotype extremely yields an offspring that is a mixture of the two parents. This demonstrates a significant point that many times when one has two parents who vary in phenotype for some traits, then there will be a likelihood of the offspring to be an intermediate to the parents in phenotype. This occurrence is sometimes called regression to the mean. The following punnett Square will illustrate what happens if 2 double heterozygotes are crossed: Take note that there are five phenotypic classes which corresponds to the number of upper case alleles 0 through to 4 that can be there in the offspring. Also note that even if both parents are intermediate, there will be no blending in the offspring such that one will see that 1/16 of the offspring will be dark red and 1/16 will be white. This replica suggests that when intermediate individuals mate, they produce an offspring that can be greater than either parent. Even if the polygenic replica makes several simplified assumptions it does seem to be a good estimate to the blending inheritance of a big number of quantitative traits. A more complex example and a detailed mathematical study is shown below: The height of a tobacco plant is controlled not by a single pair of genes but by a chain of genes at multiple loci that have a small additive effect on the phenotype of the plant. Take for example three loci, each having two alleles i.e. (A, a B, b C, c). Assume in pure-breeding, short plants are all aabbcc and that tall plants are all AABCC, circumstance whereby the height of the plant is determined depends entirely by the number of high case alleles regardless of   which locus the allele is at. Consequently a plant with the genotype AaBbcc is of the similar height as a plant with genotype AabbCc. There are seven probable classes of plant heights but depends with the number of upper case alleles (0, 1, 2,3,4,5 or 6). If one conceders a pure breeding between a short plant aabbcc which is crossed with a pure breeding AABBCC plant then the F1s which are as a result of this cross are obviously the triple heterozygote: AaBbCc It should be noted that these plants will be intermediate in height between the two parents.  However what happens when these intermediate individuals are mate/breed? So as to examine this, assume that the gene pairs are not linked, this will allow us to use independent variety to predict the product. The anticipated fraction of offspring in each height class is specified by the following idiom based on the binomial theorem: N/ (M (N-M) Whereby N is the figure/ number of alleles in total (6) while M is the number/ figure of upper case alleles in a given class. One way to understand this formula is as the number of methods of choosing a particular plant can have M upper case alleles out of N. At times we say N chooses M for this. N for our illustration is 6. This means that when M is zero there is just one way to get the number of upper case alleles. But if M = 1 there are 6! / (1! (5!) ) = 6 ways to do this. Consider M = 3. Then we have 6! / (3! 3!) = 6x5x4/3x2x1 = 120/6 = 20. Note: every gene has a little additive effect; the resulting allocation of phenotype classes closely resembles the Normal Distribution. Other complex replicas in quantitative genetics suppose that the phenotype effects are from both environmental factors and genetics, perhaps intermingle in complex ways. These types of models are known as multifactorial models.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparative in-vitro Quality Evaluation of Cephalexin

Comparative in-vitro Quality Evaluation of Cephalexin A COMPARATIVE IN-VITRO QUALITY EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT BRANDS OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE CEPHALEXIN IN KARACHI (PAKISTAN) SHAHBAZ AHMED NOOR Abstract: Approximately 600 generic drug applications (ANDAs) approved each year, 65 % of prescriptions are for generic indication from oncology to insomnia without repeating clinical trials .Every generic molecule references a previously approved drug. Cephalexin Monohydrates was first sold by Eli Lilly in 1972. The availability of many brands of cephalexin 500 mg capsules in Pakistan market today place healthcare providers in a difficult situation of choice of a suitable brand or alternate use possibility .The objectives of this study was to carry out pharmaceutical equivalence studies on different brands of cephalexin 500mg capsules available in local market of Karachi. The invitro parameters include all pharmacopeia and non-pharmacopeia tests that were dissolution rate( in 0.1 N Hydrochloric Acid at 37 à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ °C ) ,weight uniformity , disintegration time , moisture content ( with the help of suitable Karl Fischer Titrator ) , appearance (observed physically before and after opening of the shell) , Identification ( compare manually retention time in HPLC chromatogram of sample with chromatogram of reference standard ) and HPLC assay of cephalexin (as describe below based on HPLC assay method AM1172) were also analyzed. Along with the inappropriate use of antimicrobials drugs, substandard antibiotic medicines may also contribute in resistance development against susceptible organism. The study will be helpful to evaluate the efficacy and justification of generic substitution of cephalexin 500 mg capsule brands in Karachi (Pakistan) INTRODUCTION: Antibiotic, being the wonder drugs, are widely prescribed in the developing countries. In reality, 25 to 40 % prescriptions contain one or more antibiotic (Public Sector studies, 1990-1993) Antibiotic resistance can be developed through its wide and inappropriate use without following any standard guidelines. This Alarming situation has been addressed in several scientific journals (Glass et al.,1980; Farrar , 1985; Saha et al., 2003;Lina et al.,2007;Hassan et al.,2009) Post –marketing surveillance include complete procedures undertaken to obtain more data and information about a product after it had been granted marketing authorization and made available for public use, this data used for product improvement ,development standard and regulations. Regulatory agencies rely on limited information get from clinical trials and from scientific literature as guide to granting to marketing authorization of medicine for public use. Post-marketing surveillance of approved dosage forms is to assess the quality, effectiveness and safe use of medicine to large population. To Assess the standard of a product, invitro dissolution test is widely used because , for any solid dosage forms, gastrointestinal absorption first requires dissolution of the tablet or capsules that librates the drug into solution (Goodman Gilman`s –The Pharmacology basis of Therapeutics,2006) The dissolution characteristics of a drug from the dosage form depend on many factors including its formulation and manufacturing process (Augsburger et al., 1983). Cephalexin Chemically, Cephalexin is {(6R, 7R)-7-[(R)-2-Amino-2-Phenylacetamido]-3-Methyl-8-oxo-5-thia-1-azabicyclo [4.2.0] oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid monohydrate} is a first generation cephalosporins for oral administration which is bactericidal, and mainly used in the treatment of various bacterial infections caused by gram +ve and gram -ve microorganisms. .( Ralph R 1970).Excellent oral absorption and lack of serum binding of cephalexin compensates significantly for the lower in vitro activity.( Warren E. Wick 1967). Antibacterial Spectrum of Cephalexin: Cephalexin appears to be a highly effective antibiotic. It possesses the qualities of rapid oral absorption, production of high drug levels in the blood and urine, and near absence of side effects. It is effective against infections due to gram-positive cocci infections, with the exception of Enterococcus, and for most infections caused by E. coli and Klebsiella. It is useful in the treatment of a wide variety of infections in infants and children, and particularly valuable with susceptible infections in patients who do not require parenteral antimicrobial therapy. (R.C. Rudoy, M.D.1977) The first-generation cephalosporins, epitomized by cephalothin and cefazolin, have good activity against gram-positive bacteria and relatively modest activity against gram-negative microorganisms. Most gram-positive cocci (with the exception of enterococci, methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and S. epidermidis) are susceptible. Most oral cavity anaerobes are sensitive, but the B. fragilis group is resistant. Activity against Moraxella catarrhalis, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. mirabilis is good (Goodman Gilman`s –The Pharmacology basis of Therapeutics,2006) Literature Survey: A ) Helio in 2007 In this study, they observed the antibacterial spectrum of the orally prescribe cephalosporin (cefaclor, cefdinir, cefpodoxime, cefprozil, cefuroxime axetil, cephalexin) and amoxicillin/clavulanate, as these drugs were widely prescribed for community acquired respiratory tract infections. Narrowest zone was of Cefaclor and Cephalexin against evaluated pathogens. Overall, the 3rd Generation of cephalosporin is more useful in respiratory tracts and other infections when administered orally, as compared with older generation or amoxicillin alone. B ) Chalermporn in 2005 ,they studied for rapid and sensitive identification of cephalosporins drugs such as cefoxitin , cefazolin , cephalexin, cefadroxil , cefaclor and cefoperazone, a flow injection (FI) method was used. This method was applied successfully for the identification of cefoxitin, cefazolin, cephalexin, cefadroxil , cefaclor and cefoperazone. The method was successfully applicable for the identification of cefoxitin ,cefazolin , cephalexin and cefadroxil in the pharmaceutical formulation with a sample throughput of 90h−1. C ) Rist in 2002, they studied on Oral Cephalexin compared with mupirocin calcium cream with respect to safety and efficacy in secondarily infected eczema treatment. The adverse effect most common , they observed was diarrhea and nausea, effective clinical dose of mupirocin cream was apply three times daily as compared to cephalexin orally four times daily in secondarily infected eczma as topical regimen was preferred by the patient that enhance patient compliance. D ) Lennart Venemalm in 2001, worked for the diagnosis of allergy against ÃŽ ²-lactams, prazinone-polylysine conjugate was able to bind with antibodies IgE in sera from patient with suspected allergy to cephalosporin’s. This information may be used for diagnosis of allergy against ÃŽ ²-lactams. E ) Yagnesh P. Patel in 1998 They studied, modern data on the isocratic assay of five antimicrobial drugs ,five different assay were performed to one single report, antibiotic used in this study were cephalexin and cefaclor (cephalosporin’s), isoniazid and pyrazinamide (anti-tubercular drugs) and minocycline (tetracycline series) . Overall they concluded that any one of the drug could be used as internal standard for other four drugs. F ) Godfried Owusu-Ababio in 1995 Sustained release of cephalexin ciprofloxacin, was evaluated in open chemostat sytem. They concluded that chemostat system is convenient for sustained release drug testing as a function of formulation parameter. G ) Anne H. in 1992 In this study, the Cefaclor uptake was observed concluded that it was sodium-independent, but proton-dependent and also the energy dependent , dipeptides inhibited uptake of ÃŽ ²-lactam antibiotic but amino acid had no effect on uptake , the overall data from this study concluded that a single proton-dependent dipeptide transport carrier support the orally absorbed antibiotic uptake into Caco-2 cell shows correlation for the use of Caco-2 cell for cellular model of the intestinal proton-dependent dipeptides transporters for study purpose. H ) R. Wise in 1991 Cefibuten, invitro activity was studied against 572 bacterial strain and was compared with orally administered ÃŽ ²-lactams. Cefibuten being more active against Enterobacteriaceae. There was less activity of cefibuten cefexime against Staphylococci and reduce activity against streptococcus pneumonia. I ) Luis J in 1982 They studied, Acid degradation of cephalexin in presence of formaldehyde, produce 2-Hydroxy-3-phenyl-6-methylpyrazine.In 5M HCL this product gives well defined reduction wavelength with half wave potential of -0.45 vs. SCE. The wave was diffusion –controlled irreversible, linear relation with the cephalexin conc. was shown with diffusion current and cephalexin in plasma can be determined through it. J ) Ralph R in 1970 They performed to detect various crystal forms of compounds, the employment of solubility versus solvent composition diagram. This appears to be a convenient sensitive method for detecting new crystalline phase. Aim of Project: The objective of this study is to carry out pharmaceutical equivalence studies on different brands of cephalexin 500mg capsules available in local market of Karachi. The invitro parameters include all pharmacopeia and non-pharmacopeia tests that are dissolution rate, weight uniformity, disintegration time, moisture content, appearance, Identification and HPLC assay of cephalexin will also be analyzed. The susceptibility test of drug will also be evaluate by ICLS ( Formerly NCCLS ) Reference Disk Diffusion (Kirby-Bauer) method against different clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus (03), E. coli (03), Klebsiella pneumonia (03), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (02), Importance of study: This is a growing concern that if a health care provider, providing the substitute of the generic is also the Bioequivalent. For the health care providers to use these brands interchangeable, the bioequivalence of these brands have to be ascertained, this mean that there should be continued post marketing monitoring of the medicines. EXPERIMENT: TESTING PROCEDURE: Test # 1: Cephalexin Monohydrate (As base): Procedure: Perform HPLC assay of Cephalexin as describe below based on HPLC assay method AM1172. Test # 2: Identification: Procedure: Compare manually retention time in HPLC chromatograms of sample with chromatograms of reference standards. Test # 3: Moisture Content: Procedure: Three times separately the moisture content in the powder of the product with the help of suitable Karl Fischer Titrator will be determine and then calculate their mean. Test # 4: Appearance: Procedure: From the 20 capsules take 10 capsules and observe physically before and after opening of the shells. Test # 5: Weight Variation: From 20 capsules take 10 random capsules from composite sample and note individual weight of filled capsules. Calculate their average, minimum, maximum and COV%. Test # 6: Disintegration: Procedure: Prepare a 0.6% v/v solution of HCl (Add carefully 16.2ml of 37% HCl into 500ml of distilled water and then make the solution up to 1000ml with distilled water) and fill the vessel of a suitable disintegration test apparatus with this solution up to recommended height. Maintain the temperature between 35  °C and 39  °C. Place 1 capsule in each of the 6 tubes of the basket and run the equipment. Start the stopwatch and note the time when all capsules are disintegrated. If 1 or 2 capsules fail to disintegrate, repeat the test on 12 additional capsules. The requirements of the test are met if not less than 16 of the 18 capsules tested have disintegrated. Test # 7: Dissolution: Procedure: According to USP 2007 page # 1691. HPLC ASSAY OF CEPHALEXIN BASED ON HPLC ASSAY AM1172 (1.01) FOR CEPHALEXIN CAPSULES.500 MG / CAPSULES. I.PRINCIPLE: The sample is dissolved in water and the insoluble component removed by filtration. An aliquot of the filtrate is diluted with water and examined by reverse phase HPLC. II.APPARATUS 1. A suitable high performance liquid chromatographic system equipped with a variable Wavelength UV Detector. 2. A suitable analytical balance with tolerance of +/- 0.1 mg. 3. A suitable Ultrasonic bath. 4. Suitable Syringes such as BDà ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¤, 10ml. 5. Analytical Column: 150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm. i.d stainless steel column packed with S5 – ODS2 or equivalent column. 6. Pre-Column: 50 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm .i.d stainless steel column packed with 80 µm Porasil or equivalent is fitted between the pump and injector. 7 Detector Condition: 254nm range 0.5 aufs 8. Pump Condition: Flow rate 1.0 ml / minute. 9. Injection volume: 20 µl 10. pH meter. 11. Mobile phase: See reagents. B) REAGENTS Cephalexin analytical reference standard Methanol HPLC grade Acetonitrile HPLC grade 1- Hydroxybenzotriazole, Reagent grade. Triethylamine ( T.E.A ) analytical grade Orthophosphoric acid, analytical grade 1- Pentanesulfonic acid, sodium salt, Reagent grade (8) Mobile Phase: Dissolve 1g Pentanesulfonic acid sodium salt (Monohydrate) and 15ml of Triethylamine in 850 ml of distilled water, adjust the pH to 3.0 with Orthophosphoric acid. Add 50 ml of Methanol and 100 ml of Acetonitrile, Mix well and degas before use. Note: Caution should be taken when degassing the mobile phase to avoid evaporating the mixture. Internal standard solution: Dissolve 1 gm of 1- Hydroxybenzotriazole in 1000ml of mobile phase, mix well. C) PROCEDURE: This procedure contains the minimum recommended sample and standard Preparation for assays performed manually. Alternate weights and volumes may be substituted if necessary, as long as they are documented and provide nominally equivalent concentration of the analyte. PREPARATION OF REF. STANDARD SOLUTION Accurately weigh approximately 32, 40 and 48 mg of Cephalexin reference Standard in to into three separate 200ml volumetric flasks respectively, pipette 30 ml of the internal standard solution in to each flask and swirl to dissolve, Dilute to volume with distilled water and mix well. SAMPLE PREPARATION Take 20 random capsules from composite sample and note individual weight content of each capsule and determine average content weight of 20 capsules. Accurately weigh about 500 mg sample from composite sample of weight content of 20 capsules in 500ml volumetric flask and record the weight, add water to dissolve and make up the volume with water up to 500 ml mix well and filter. Take 20ml of above dilution in 100ml volumetric flask, add 30ml Internal Standard and then add water upto 100ml mix well and filter through 0.45 µm filter paper. d) CHROMATOGRAPHY Make 20 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l injection of a standard to ensure the chromatography system complies with the system suitability criteria. The peak tailing should not be greater than 1.5, peak efficiency should be greater than 4000 plates. The resolution between the two peaks should be greater than 2.5. A typical chromatogram is attached. LIMIT OF CEPHALEXIN MONOHYDRATE CONTENT. CEPHALEXIN THEORY LABEL 500MG / CAPSULE 500MG / CAPSULE (As Cephalexin anhydrous) ( As Cephalexin anhydrous) Acceptance Limit: 475 – 525mg per capsule (95 – 105 %). Regulatory Limit: 462.5 – 550 mg per capsule (92.5 – 110 %) (British Pharmacopeia) REFERENCES: (Augsburger LL,Shangraw RF,Giannini RP, Shah VP, Prasad VK and Brown D (1983) Thiazides VIII: Dissolution Survey of marketed Hydrochlorothiazides tablets. J.Pharma Sci.,72(8):876-881) Anne H. Dantzig, Linda B. Tabas, Linda Bergin , Cefaclor uptake by the proton-dependent dipeptide transport carrier of human intestinal Caco-2 cells and comparison to cephalexin uptake Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) Biomembranes, Volume 1112, Issue 2, 9 December 1992, Pages 167-173. Chalermporn Thongpoon, Boonsom Liawruangrath, Saisunee Liawruangrath, R. Alan Wheatley, Alan Townshend , Flow injection chemiluminescence determination of cephalosporins in pharmaceutical preparations using tris (2,2†²-bipyridyl) ruthenium (II)-potassium permanganate system , Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 553, Issues 1-2, 30 November 2005, Pages 123-133. (Farar WE (1985) Antibiotic resistance in developing countries. The Journal of Infectious Diseases,152(6):1103-1106 ) (Glass RI, Huq I, Alim ARM and yunus M (1980) Emergence of multiply antibiotic-resistant vibro cholerae in Bangladesh . 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Teenage Dramas And Pop Culture Media Essay

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Canadian Sport And Class Inequality :: essays research papers

Canadian sport is divided amongst its classes. Not all people engage in the same sports or do the same things to stay physically active. In following pages, I have critically examined explanations on how to tell there are differences within classes, and what these differences mean to sport and physical activity in Canada.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After examining some reasons why there is division within classes in Canadian sport, I will discuss what steps or measures would be necessary to take in order to achieve equality among the classes. I will suggest some things we can do to mesh all classes together in a unified plan. I will show how Canadian sport would be different if we lived in a ‘utopia’ of equality among classes – essentially having no classes. Class equality may not be what is best for sport in Canada. I will also weigh whether or not it would be best for Canada to be without classes in its sporting system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I will conclude with my recommendations on what steps must be taken for the future of Canadian sport to ensure the most efficient and equal program is in place for everyone. Class is very closely related to money and income. The more money you have or the more money your household brings in, the higher status you have. Power is also related to class and may not always belong to the coaches. In formally organized sports it may be who has the knowledge or resources desired to play the game that has the most significant amount of power. â€Å"Formally organized sports could not be developed, scheduled or maintained without material resources.†4 This certainly implies that some people hold a significant amount of power over others and remain in a class above others in sports. It should also be noted that formally organized sports are not democratic. The idea of class division is fully entertained when defining, â€Å"Rich and powerful people tend to be defined as worthy winners, while the poor and powerless tend to be defined as lazy losers.† To say there is a division of classes within sport without clearly defining each specific class, we must take a class logic mindset. Class logic can be interpreted as â€Å"economic success (winning) becomes proof of individual ability, worth, and character.† I must also mention the class logic comes to emphasize achievement through individual competition and domination over others.3 As we enter a new millennium, it is easy to draw conclusions on some things that have happened in the last.